The next Coastliners open meeting will take place at the Hartleool Peoples Centre in Raby Road at 2pm on Thursday 20th June/ALL WELCOME
Alan Weston -Head of Transport for the Tees Valley Combined Authority (TVCA) and a key member of Mayor Ben Houchen’s team, will give a presentation on the TVCA Transport plans.
Hopefully there will be time for a short Q&A session, following which we hope to discuss other rail related matters including
1.Extra “fast services” following opening of Hartlepool third platform including the possibility of stopping at Stockton
2.Eaglescliffe Station redevelopment
3.Grand Central Extra stop @ Seaham (2025)
4.Possibility of raising profile at Stockton station -linked to the bicentenary of S&DR
5.Darlington Station redevelopment-extra/new Hartlepool -Darlington services.