"A Voice for Durham Coast Rail Users"

The venue is the 1st floor meeting room, (accessible by lift) St Mary’s Centre, 82 – 90 Corporation Road Middlesbrough TS1 2RW

This meeting is open to both members and non members Refreshments will be available.

The speaker will be Alan Williams, Chairman of the Esk Valley Railway Community Partnership and renowned Modern Railways columnist.  His presentation will be entitled “The Cinderella Line” and will major  on the turn around in fortunes of the Esk Valley Railway Line between Middlesbrough and Whitby.

The venue is approx.  10 mins walk from Middlesbrough Railway Station.  From the station exit onto Albert Road and head towards to town centre (away from the rail overbridge).  At the Town Hall cross over and head down Corporation Road past the back of the Law Courts.  The venue is on the right opposite Dr Browns public house (closed)

There will be no charge for admission although any  donation  towards offsetting the cost of room hire and refreshments will be welcome.. .